TERMS & CONDITIONS First of all you must know that horseback riding is considered a rugged outdoor adventure sport. Second of all, you must agree that if you use the winning gift certificate at any of the ranches that are participating, you solemnly swear, to hold harmless any employees or representatives of the ranch, stable, or equestrian facility you visit, in the event of an injury or death, which also includes the ranch, stable or equestrian facility and its owners there of. Thirdly, you agree not to try to subvert the drawing, meaning you will not use thousands of email addresses that all point to you. Fourthly you will not hold me, the owner of this web site, responsible for your broken bones, injuries or even death due to any negligence or conduct on the part of a human or a horse or yourself if you should be so injured during your horseback riding or while around any horses we've lead you to. Thank you. RidingStables@aol.com Owner and head wrangler ********
Above is a list of ranches participating in the FREE drawing. ********************
When we start offering a week long stay at some of the great guest ranches around the country, or gift certificates for a week of horsemanship camp for the kids, your entry will still be valid. *******************